I'm not just a list of titles like designer, retouch artist, digital artist, or photographer. I'm a person, and my deepest love lies in the realm of art. 
I believe that art exists everywhere, and within each of us, there resides boundless creativity. 
However, it takes a certain wild curiosity to truly understand this.
My journey began in a small town in the north of Italy, where I was just another kid with dreams. I had numerous aspirations, and I faced the challenge of choosing my path. It wasn't until later that I realized that dedicating my life to science wasn't the right fit for me; art held my heart.
After completing my education, I took a leap and moved to London, where… Where I’m Happy.

In 2019, I became a part of a studio as a Retouch Artist.
This experience has been a profound learning journey, not only about work but also about life itself.

Throughout these years, my life has evolved, and my job title has shifted accordingly. These changes weren't mere accidents; they were the result of my pursuit of passion. If you're here with me now, you can probably guess which passion has had the most significant impact on my life in recent years.

I'm Mattia Scudi, welcome to my life.
A life about capturing and preserving moments, stories, and the beauty of life through the lens of my camera. About freezing time and emotions in a frame so that memories can live on and stories can be told.

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