Designed by Nature.
Born, Live, Die, Repeat.

"Designed by Nature" is a series of images that offers an intimate glimpse into the intricate and mesmerizing life cycle of the natural world. Through the lens of this collection, I delve deep into the remarkable tapestry of existence crafted by Mother Nature herself.

These photographs capture the tenacity of life as it faces the adversity of winter. We witness the struggle of frost-kissed leaves and petals, their colors muted but not extinguished.

This collection serves as a reminder that even in the harshest of seasons, life persists. It highlights the innate strength and adaptability of flora and fauna, showcasing their ability to survive and endure,
waiting patiently for the return of the sun's warmth.
These images encourage us to appreciate the beauty and determination of life in its most challenging moments, offering hope and a sense of wonder even in the depths of winter's embrace.
Sony Alpha 7RIII
December 2020, London UK

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